Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Hot" Topic

Web 2.0 Technologies in the classroom
• Web 2.0 – a.k.a “Berners-Lee’s concept of a Read/Write Web is a collaborative medium, a place where we could all meet and read and write.
• This is a technology that most students are using as a social communication tool, but can be transformed into a powerful teaching tool in the classroom.
• A blog – “is an easily created, easily updateable website that allows an author to publish instantly to the internet from any internet connection.”
• As used in this class, a blog can be used to communicate with parents and students about upcoming events, homework, or any general questions.
• A wiki – “is a website where anyone can edit anything anytime they want”
• Students can use this tool to work cooperatively with others.
• A webquest – “is a computer-based teaching and learning model in which learners are actively involved in an activity or situation and use the Internet as a resource.”
• Teachers can use this tool to post research assignments and provide students with the web sources necessary to complete the task successfully.

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